
Crafting Authentic Content: How to Find Your Voice

Explore the transformative power of authenticity in content marketing, emphasizing the human touch, storytelling, brand uniqueness, thought leadership, humor, emotional intelligence, and human-centric approaches, while cautioning against overreliance on AI-generated content.

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The late-2022 debut of ChatGPT sparked a tremendous surge in artificial intelligence (AI), with generative AI becoming a go-to resource for content creation. Given its ability to mimic and apply complex data patterns to produce human-sounding text, it’s easy to understand why.

However, while generative AI accelerates content creation and takes automation to new heights, overreliance on this content can dull your brand’s originality and authenticity. Despite its impressive capabilities and continual improvement, AI lacks the personal touch, empathy, and unique insights that forge a deeper connection with your audience.

The Essence of Authenticity in Content

We are seeing a transformative shift in content marketing, moving from the traditional, straightforward approach to more genuine, layered storytelling.

Initially, marketing was all about broadcasting messages. Eventually, marketers began to better understand consumer psychology and behavior. They realized that consumers are seeking more than information. They want real connections with brands that align with their values and aspirations. Authenticity is now the cornerstone of trust-building with an increasingly discerning audience.

Being authentic involves showing the human side of the brand. It’s highlighting real people, their expertise, and their dedication to customer success. By integrating a human element — whether sharing behind-the-scenes moments, employee stories, or customer experiences — businesses create a deeper, more meaningful engagement with their audience.

This approach fosters loyalty and can transform customers into brand advocates. As consumers are bombarded with more and more AI-generated content, authentic engagement can help you cut through the noise and sustain long-term relationships.

Incorporating Personal Experience and Stories

Storytelling has always been at the heart of human connection, and it’s something AI just can’t replicate. Narrative adds an emotional layer missing from data-heavy presentations like graphs and whitepapers.

When you tell a story, you bring your brand to life. Whether through case studies in a blog post or real-life scenarios in a how-to guide, storytelling helps your audience see themselves in the narrative you’re weaving. Grab their attention from the start with a captivating hook, like a surprising statistic, a thought-provoking question, or a relatable current event.

Storytelling is also an incredibly effective way to humanize your brand. Share the ups and downs of your brand’s journey, challenges you’ve overcome, successes you’ve celebrated, and valuable lessons you’ve learned. These stories forge a deeper, more personal connection with your audience.

To keep your storytelling fresh and authentic, turn to your customers and employees. Listen to the success stories your customers share, and encourage your team to express their views and experiences with your brand on social media. These real, human stories create a rich, relatable narrative, deepening the emotional bond with your audience.

Leveraging Your Brand’s Unique Voice

Authenticity means consistently displaying your brand’s personality. Attempting to please everyone can water down its unique character. Start by identifying your defining traits. Is your brand innovative, friendly, authoritative, or something else? These traits should be evident in every piece of content you create, offering a uniform experience to your audience.

To ensure consistency, provide your creative team with comprehensive guidelines. These should detail the tone, style, and voice of your content, along with your brand’s vision and values. They help your team craft content that truly resonates with your brand’s unique character. Implement a system where content is regularly reviewed for adherence to brand guidelines and feedback is provided for continuous improvement.

Remember, your brand won’t appeal to everyone, and that’s absolutely fine. Embrace what makes your brand special. Your uniqueness should be apparent not just in your core values but also in every aspect of your branding.

Adding Depth to Content

As AI-generated content becomes more prevalent, standing out in the business-to-business (B2B) space requires more than just knowledge-sharing — it demands thought leadership. This means establishing yourself or your company as a trusted, informed authority in your industry. It’s about shaping conversations, introducing fresh, innovative ideas, and guiding your audience to make well-informed decisions. Offer fresh viewpoints and solutions that go against the grain, backed up by reliable data and analytics.

Active engagement with your audience is also crucial. By responding to comments and engaging in meaningful discussions, you bring a human touch to your brand, something that AI can’t do. Using a mix of content formats like blog posts, whitepapers, videos, and podcasts can help spread your message in a way that resonates with different audience members.

Tackling the big questions in your industry with clear, thoughtful answers positions you as a leader and an expert. Sharing real-world examples and success stories makes your content relatable and proves the effectiveness of your ideas. In short, thought leadership is about making a meaningful contribution to your industry, influencing its direction, and forging deeper connections with your audience.

Infusing Personality and Humor

Humor can act as a universal unifier. In advertising, it plays a crucial role in engaging consumers in an educational yet entertaining way, avoiding the feel of a marketing pitch.

Even in B2B, humor has played a role in emotional engagement, forging stronger emotional connections than business-to-consumer (B2C) settings. B2B decision-making often involves several stakeholders and lengthy evaluations. Humor can cut through complexities and build rapport, making content more approachable and enhancing communication throughout the buyer’s journey.

B2B brands can weave humor into their campaigns by understanding their audience and their challenges, and then crafting humorous content that truly hits the mark. Using relatable scenarios, playful narratives, and smart humor can inject joy into the B2B space. However, it’s crucial to balance humor with professionalism, ensuring that it aligns with the brand’s message and values and remains authentic.

Using Emotional Intelligence

Emotional intelligence (EI) means adeptness at recognizing, understanding, your emotions and the emotions of others. Using EI in B2B marketing means carefully choosing specific emotions to genuinely connect with your audience.

For example, you can find common ground in the reassurance of shared anxieties. Focus on how your brand can provide solutions to common challenges. Addressing them, offering practical solutions, or simplifying complex processes can show your brand as a supportive partner.

Using Human-Centric Tools and Techniques

People aren’t primarily concerned with your product or service. They are far more focused on solving their own problems. A human-first approach shifts your focus to creating content that connects with individuals by addressing their specific challenges and needs. It’s about getting on the same level as your audience, grasping their motivations, challenges, and what they’re going through in their daily lives.

Empathy is at the heart of this strategy. It means placing yourself in your audience’s shoes, seeing things from their perspective, and crafting content that speaks directly to their experiences.

Use tools like surveys and interviews to gather insights, and don’t shy away from real conversations at industry events. The better you understand your customers, the more effectively you can tailor your marketing strategies, leading to better engagement and return on investment.

Adjusting your messaging to be more in tune with how your customers communicate can make a tremendous difference. Use real-life customer stories and case studies to show how you’ve solved similar problems.

Embracing Creativity and Flexibility

Generating fresh B2B content can sometimes be challenging. To get your creative juices flowing, start by focusing on your audience’s pain points. Ensure your content tackles issues head-on with valuable insights, tips, or expertise.

If you’re uncertain about your audience’s specific pain points or need new ideas to address them, engage in direct research. A simple phone call or email conversation with customers can uncover a wealth of ideas. Forums are a goldmine for discovering current topics of discussion in your industry. They offer a real-time look into the challenges and interests of your audience.

Platforms like Quora, Reddit, or LinkedIn can be invaluable for identifying questions people are asking in your field. This not only helps generate content ideas but also boosts your search engine optimization (SEO) strategy. Every content piece should have a clear goal, ideally nudging the audience further along their purchasing journey. Whether it’s downloading an ebook or signing up for a free demo, there should be a distinct next step after engaging with your content.


Finding your brand’s authentic voice is about truly understanding your audience and getting creative with your messaging. Dive deep into the needs and aspirations of your B2B customers to tailor your approach.

Break away from traditional methods and inject creativity into your content. Use relatable language and real-life stories to connect with your audience on a deeper level. This strategy makes your brand more relatable and strengthens emotional ties, fostering a genuine, lasting relationship with your customers—something AI alone can’t achieve.

If you’re feeling stuck, ContentLab can help elevate your brand’s storytelling. Our expert team can help unlock creative and authentic content strategies that resonate with your audience. Contact us to transform your brand’s voice and connect more deeply with your customers.

Picture of Janina Bernardo
Janina Bernardo
Janina Bernardo is a freelance B2B tech writer with a Marketing Management postgraduate degree from the Humber School of Business in Toronto. She has written about tech brands such as Microsoft, Salesforce, SAP, NetApp, and Rubrik. She has a keen interest in innovation and its impact on society. In her downtime, Janina enjoys going on food adventures, reading non-fiction, and watching the latest viral trends on Instagram Reels.

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