
5 Common Mistakes with Technical Content that Cost You Money

Crafting technical content that resonates with diverse audiences requires avoiding common pitfalls like lack of practical examples, failure to engage, over-promotion, lack of updates, and ignoring feedback. This blog explores these errors, emphasizing the importance of relatable content, engaging storytelling, authenticity, relevance, and responsiveness to audience feedback in successful content creation strategies.

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Many tech companies today specialize in niche products. Sure, the in-house team knows the product or software inside out. This expertise is invaluable for sales and inquiries. But when it comes to communicating its value to potential customers, it’s a different ballgame.

As long-term industry insiders, we sometimes forget what it’s like to view their products with fresh eyes or how it feels to be new to a platform. Well-crafted technical content acts as a bridge, connecting technical concepts with a varied audience. Breaking down jargon, using analogies, and giving real-world examples make technical topics approachable and relatable. Moreover, understanding the nuances of your target audience is crucial. Audiences have different levels of knowledge and interest. Recognizing and speaking to them is the key to effective communication.

Missteps in technical content can have serious consequences. If the content glosses over essential details or oversimplifies complex topics, it may leave knowledgeable readers feeling sidelined or patronized. On the flip side, delving too deeply into technical minutiae when addressing a general audience can lead to confusion or even apathy.

In this blog, we’ll explore five common mistakes made by technical marketers when trying to reach a technical audience.

1. Lack of Practical Examples

Delving into abstract concepts and technical jargon can overwhelm or disengage readers. This is where practical examples come into play.

Consider the difference between explaining the concept of cloud computing using technical definitions versus illustrating how a business with a dispersed global team working remotely can seamlessly access files and collaborate in real time. When you help readers visualize a real-world situation, it makes your message stick. Hands-on experience makes information relatable and cements their understanding.

Using practical examples also bolsters the content’s authenticity and authority. Suppose you are delving into the details of how a firewall operates. Explaining abstract concepts may seem daunting, but if you complement it with an actual case study, such as a notable company repelling a sophisticated cyberattack thanks to this firewall, you can demonstrate its utility and effectiveness in a tangible, high-impact way.

2. Failure to Engage

Attention is currency. With countless articles, blogs, and other content vying for their time, readers decide in seconds whether to continue reading or move on. Engaging your audience from the outset isn’t just about click-worthy titles or stunning visuals — it’s about promising and delivering value in a way that’s both intriguing and relevant.

Humans are natural storytellers, and narratives have always been our go-to method for understanding the world around us. A narrative can turn abstract technical concepts into stories that resonate. For example, instead of merely explaining the mechanics of blockchain, share a story about how a farmer can ensure the organic authenticity of his produce using blockchain. By integrating it into his supply chain, he proves that his produce is free from pesticides and can command a premium price, increasing his profit margins.

It’s about humanizing content, grounding complex ideas in experiences and scenarios that readers can empathize with. Doing so initiates a dialogue. When readers are engaged, they’re more likely to comment, share, ask questions, or even challenge points made in the content. It fosters a community where readers feel invested and acknowledged.

3. Over-Promotion

Trust is a delicate asset that’s earned over time. When technical content is overly promotional, readers may perceive it as biased, questioning its objectivity and authenticity. For instance, a review about a new software tool loses credibility if every feature is described as “groundbreaking” without addressing any potential drawbacks or limitations.

If you push a message too aggressively, readers may resist it or, even worse, adopt opposing attitudes. Instead of winning over your reader, overtly promotional content can inadvertently create skeptics.

Technical content is often sought for its educational value. Readers hope to gain insights, understand new concepts, or familiarize themselves with industry trends. However, over-promotion can cloud this educational aspect, reducing the content to mere marketing fluff.

Readers might feel duped or annoyed if they click on content hoping for in-depth analysis only to find a brand-centric monologue. Going overboard with self-promotion can backfire on a brand’s image. When readers seek accuracy and impartiality, pushing promotion too hard can sour readers — and decrease the likelihood of them returning for future content.

4. Lack of Updating

The pace at which technology progresses is staggering. Concepts and techniques that were once industry standards can become obsolete within a few years, if not months. Content that doesn’t evolve along with it can quickly lose its relevance.

Take, for instance, articles on web design from the early 2010s. While they might discuss evergreen design principles, they’d likely miss out on the nuances of mobile-first design.

Outdated content not only misinforms the reader but can also damage a brand’s image by being behind the curve. Even subtle changes or updates in best practices can make a big difference. Imagine an AI article that overlooks the newest ethical discussions or algorithm tweaks. It could unintentionally steer a reader in the wrong direction.

Search engines prioritize delivering relevant and up-to-date information to users. Old content, even if it was once a top performer, can see a decline in its search engine optimization (SEO) rankings over time. As algorithms get more sophisticated, they can gauge content freshness and relevance through various indicators. Regular updates and addressing new developments or insights signal to search engines that the content is current and valuable.

There’s also the aspect of “recency bias” in user behavior. When they see two articles, one dated a few years ago and the other updated recently, they’re more likely to perceive the latter as more accurate — even if the older content might still be largely relevant.

5. Ignoring Feedback

When audiences read content tailored to address their concerns, answer their questions, or cater to their interests, it fosters a sense of personal connection. They inherently feel more valued and understood.

Crafting content that truly resonates with the audience hinges on knowing their needs, preferences, and level of expertise. It’s not just about their age, job, or other demographics: It’s understanding their challenges and motivations — what keeps them up at night and excites them. When readers feel like you “get” them, they’ll trust you more and are likely to share your content with colleagues and peers.

But how do you know if your content is delivering the right message? Feedback, whether comments, survey results, or email responses, is your goldmine. Track metrics like page views, time spent on the page, and bounce rates. High engagement typically indicates that your content is striking a chord. If readers are reaching out with questions or asking for more information, they’re actively engaging with what you’ve written.

Additionally, embrace criticism as much as praise. Sure, positive comments feel great, but it’s often the constructive critiques that point out blind spots.

But remember: inviting feedback isn’t enough — you need to act upon it. Doing so tells your readers that their voice matters. When a community sees its suggestions and feedback shape the content, they feel a shared sense of ownership over it. Instead of just being passive consumers, they evolve into active co-creators. Readers who feel heard are more likely to engage consistently, offer insights, and even champion the content within their networks.


To create content that resonates, you need to foster a genuine bond with your audience. Impactful content seamlessly integrates practical examples, actively engages readers, strikes a balance in promotion, and evolves with fresh insights — all while valuing feedback. Neglecting these key elements can alienate readers, tarnish a brand’s image, and even result in financial setbacks as potential customers seek alternatives.

Establishing a synergy between creators and readers elevates content, transforming it into a living dialogue rather than mere static information. The end game? A thriving community where content is not just consumed but co-created and enriched by shared insights and experiences.

Looking to develop technical content that strikes the right chord every time? Reach out to ContentLab today and let us craft error-free content that truly resonates with your audience. Start making an impact with ContentLab. Contact us to learn more.

Picture of Janina Bernardo
Janina Bernardo
Janina Bernardo is a freelance B2B tech writer with a Marketing Management postgraduate degree from the Humber School of Business in Toronto. She has written about tech brands such as Microsoft, Salesforce, SAP, NetApp, and Rubrik. She has a keen interest in innovation and its impact on society. In her downtime, Janina enjoys going on food adventures, reading non-fiction, and watching the latest viral trends on Instagram Reels.

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