What Makes a Great Checkout Experience?

Back in the Internet’s early days, placing an order online was a complicated — even scary — process. Typing out your personal information and submitting it (along with payment) to a faceless website was once a rare and tedious task. Few consumers would select that option over the simplicity of purchasing at a brick-and-mortar store. […]

Websites That Work for Marketers and Developers

Building websites that cater to customer needs is an integral part of scaling your business. To ensure a successful venture in today’s digital world, you need a sleek website that can adapt to current marketing and development trends. To achieve these goals, companies opt for many different website-building solutions. Marketing departments love “what you see […]

Urban City Centers and the Importance of Fresh Maps

As urban populations grow and roads are more congested, it’s becoming more challenging for commuters to reach their destination. Then, during the COVID-19 pandemic, many roads closed, triggering a whole host of route changes in a short amount of time. With these continual changes, fresh map data has become even more critical for ensuring accurate […]

Understanding Open-Source Library Risk

Open-source software is open to the public for use and modification. Most software engineers and modern organizations have adopted this software development approach to build enterprise and web applications. In many software applications that we use today, as much as 80 percent of the code is open-source. We can categorize software into two main groups: […]

Using TomTom Location Autocomplete and Suggestions in React Native

Search is a vital aspect of app usability. When application developers add a great search experience to their maps, they earn user appreciation. In a previous article, we showed how to create a simple app to display TomTom Maps on a React Native WebView control. When we add search capabilities to the existing React Native […]

Understanding IPS Patching

An intrusion prevention system (IPS) acts as a security mechanism to detect and prevent network threats. The system accomplishes this by scanning network traffic for identified dangers. When the system detects a threat in the intrusion data, it stalls development and bars the threat from entry. Three criteria broadly categorize elements as threats. First, threats […]

Top Five Geolocation Trends for 2022 and Beyond

Geolocation technology has become the foundation for all location-positioning services and applications. Its development was a significant turning point in the history of locational technology. The ability to identify an object’s geographic location in real-time has proven beneficial to various industries that have come to depend on this data. More than 25 years after geolocation […]

Reliable and Automatic Multi-Target Deployment

Multi-target deployment can feel tedious as you deploy the same code over and over to multiple clouds and environments — and none of them in the same way. With an automatic multi-target deployment tool, on the other hand, you do the work once and deliver your code everywhere it needs to be. Armory provides an […]

Reduce the Blast Radius of a Bad Deployment with Automated Canary Analysis

Software deployment processes differ across organizations, teams, and applications. The most basic, and perhaps the riskiest, is the “big bang deployment.” This strategy updates all nodes within the target environment simultaneously with the new software version. This deployment strategy causes many issues, including downtime while the update is in progress. It can also be challenging […]