
Setting up Conjur on OpenShift

Red Hat OpenShift is a Kubernetes-based platform for container orchestration. OpenShift differentiates itself from Kubernetes through features such as tight integration with Red Hat Linux, long-term enterprise support, and its platform as a service (PaaS) offering.

Whether you’re using OpenShift or Kubernetes to manage your infrastructure, you need to consider some general security limitations to containerized environments. At the heart of all security concerns is the secret zero problem. The secret zero problem is a reliance on a master key or a “secret zero” that can unlock all other credentials, giving potential attackers access to everything in the organization.

With container orchestration, Docker files and Helm charts become potential targets for revealing secrets or sharing identities, roles, and authorization. Protecting these secrets means encryption, secrets rotation, centralized auditing, separation of duties, and other policies that still allow easy resource management without restricting developer access.

CyberArk Conjur enhances OpenShift’s default security stance by managing and rotating secrets and other credentials. It also ensures secrets are securely passed to applications running in OpenShift. One of the critical differences between OpenShift and Kubernetes is OpenShift’s default settings for platform security. For example, OpenShift uses six security context constraints (SCCs) that default to restricted access for limiting and securing a cluster.

This article shows you how to set up Conjur in a typical OpenShift environment quickly and efficiently. It demonstrates how to store passwords outside the repository while keeping them accessible to applications inside OpenShift. If you’re interested in reading up on the theory behind it, check out the Conjur blog.

Setting Up OpenShift

Like its sister orchestrator Kubernetes, OpenShift is available on most cloud platforms, so it’s easy to install and to get your own hands-on experience. This example uses Google Cloud, but AWS and Azure offer a similar experience.

To install OpenShift on Google Cloud, you need a Google Cloud account and a project. This example uses the gcloud command-line tool to create an OpenShift project.

					$ gcloud init
$ gcloud projects create openshift-conjur --name "OpenShift and Conjur"
$ gcloud config set project openshift-conjur
$ gcloud config list


Note that the project ID, openshift-conjur, should be unique, so use your name.

The OpenShift installer creates a cluster in Google Cloud on behalf of the user. For ease of installation, we give the user owner’s rights. In production, you must assign the rights more accurately. Now we create the necessary service account and store its key locally as an openshift-installer.json file:

OpenShift must make requests to some Google Cloud APIs, so you need to allow requests for:
  • cloudresourcemanager
  • dns
  • compute
  • iam
The commands look like this, as you may already know:
					$ gcloud services enable --project openshift-conjur
After installation, OpenShift should be accessible by its domain name. You can register this name with any registrar of your choice. These examples use the subdomain Name servers in the Google Cloud provide its resolution. Create a managed zone first:
					$ gcloud dns managed-zones create ocp --dns-name --description "OpenShift and Conjur"
$ gcloud dns managed-zones describe ocp


Add the name servers to the dns managed-zones section of the domain registrar.

Next, go to the RedHat OpenShift website and create a cluster. You can try it for free by going to Try Red Hat OpenShift and clicking Start your trial in the Self-managed section.

If you must log in, enter your credentials or create a Red Hat account. After a successful login, you see a page describing various options for OpenShift deployment. Here we’re using Google Cloud.

Now you have the choice to rely either on the installer’s default settings (Installer-provisioned infrastructure) or specify some settings yourself (User-provisioned infrastructure). Selecting Installer-provisioned infrastructure is recommended.

Download the installer next. It’s itself a secret used when Docker images from the OpenShift repository download to an OpenShift cluster. Also, download two console utilities for connecting to the cluster: oc and kubectl.

After downloading, unzip and run the installer. The installer might generate files. You can specify a directory for them, so you do not litter the current directory:

					$ ./openshift-install create cluster --dir=./gcp

You can optionally add debug output to the ./openshift-install command:

					./openshift-install create cluster --dir=./gcp --log-level=debug

You must set up some parameters for the cluster:

SSH Public KeyPath to SSH keyYou can generate an SSH key and put it here. It helps gather logs in case any errors occur.
PlatformgcpWe install OpenShift on the Google Cloud Platform.
Service AccountAbsolute path to openshift-installer.jsonWe created such a key when we created the service account.
Project IDopenshift-conjurYour project name.
Regionus-east1Choose an appropriate region.
Base Domainocp.example.comYour domain name.
Cluster Nameocp-testUse a suitable name.
Pull SecretContents of file pull-secret.txtWe initially downloaded this from the OpenShift website.

If you want to understand the installation process in more detail, the official installation documentation deserves attention. You can start reading from Configuring a GCP project.

Note that the default disk requirements in OpenShift won’t work with the free tier on Google Cloud, and you may need to adjust this for other platforms. You may also need to configure CPU usage quotas. You can change the allotted resources on your cloud platform of choice, or you can configure the resources to be used by OpenShift in the install-config.yaml file (or .gcp/install-config.yaml file if you choose not to litter the current directory).

This code excerpt adjusts the disk to 50 GB and explicitly sets the instance type.

					apiVersion: v1
  name: ocp-test
    projectID: openshift-conjur
    region: us-east1
- architecture: amd64
  hyperthreading: Enabled
  name: worker
        DiskSizeGB: 50
        DiskType: pd-ssd
      type: n1e2-standard-2
      - us-east1-b
      - us-east1-c
      - us-east1-d
  replicas: 3
  architecture: amd64
  hyperthreading: Enabled
  name: master
        DiskSizeGB: 50
        DiskType: pd-ssd
      type: e2-standard-4
      - us-east1-b
      - us-east1-c
      - us-east1-d
  replicas: 3
pullSecret: '{...}’ # Content of file pull-secret.txt

Wait for the installer to finish its job. When done, you see an OpenShift UI URL and a command to configure kubectl.
					INFO Install complete!                            
INFO To access the cluster as the system:admin user when using 'oc', run 'export KUBECONFIG=//gcp/auth/kubeconfig' 
INFO Access the OpenShift web-console here: 
INFO Login to the console with user: "kubeadmin", and password: "XyZO-ABCD-eFgH-ijKL" 


Run the export command as recommended, then unzip openshift-cli and copy the oc and kubectl utilities to a standard location for custom executables (usually /usr/local/bin).

Check the availability of the OpenShift cluster:

					$ oc get nodes
ocp-test-7gqpd-master-0.c.openshift-conjur.internal Ready master 25m v1.21.1+9807387
ocp-test-7gqpd-master-1.c.openshift-conjur.internal Ready master 25m v1.21.1+9807387
ocp-test-7gqpd-master-2.c.openshift-conjur.internal Ready master 25m v1.21.1+9807387
ocp-test-7gqpd-worker-b-5tb8g.c.openshift-conjur.internal Ready worker 17m v1.21.1+9807387
ocp-test-7gqpd-worker-c-m22rf.c.openshift-conjur.internal Ready worker 17m v1.21.1+9807387
ocp-test-7gqpd-worker-d-fpm2z.c.openshift-conjur.internal Ready worker 17m v1.21.1+9807387


Now the OpenShift cluster is set up, and we can install Conjur.

Setting Up CyberArk Conjur

Conjur is a way to store sensitive data (secrets) externally rather than inside an application or its repository. Conjur also provides a way to retrieve that data inside an application on demand.

We use an open-source Conjur version here. There is also an enterprise version called Conjur Secrets Manager Enterprise Application Access Manager.

The standard way to deploy any application to Kubernetes and OpenShift is using Helm. Conjur already has a pre-configured Helm Chart making this a straightforward task. We use Helm version three as it doesn’t require installation on the OpenShift side. You can find the Conjur OSS Helm Chart repo on GitHub.

					$ helm version --short
$ helm repo add cyberark
$ helm repo update
$ helm search repo conjur-oss
cyberark/conjur-oss 2.0.4                     A Helm chart for CyberArk Conjur


For this demo, we install both Conjur and PostgreSQL. Conjur uses PostgreSQL as the default database in the OpenShift cluster. Conjur encrypts all data in its databases and generates the encryption key before installation.

					$ DATA_KEY=$(docker run --rm cyberark/conjur data-key generate)
$ helm upgrade conjur cyberark/conjur-oss --install --set dataKey="${DATA_KEY}" --set authenticators="authn\,authn-k8s/demo" --version 2.0.4 --namespace default


Besides dataKey, we set two ways to authenticate clients in Conjur:

  • authn for standard authentication (Conjur uses the login and API keys)
  • authn-k8s for the authentication of pods (Conjur uses the certificate)

You can read about supported authentication types if you’d like to know more.

Once Conjur is running, initialize the built-in admin user and create a default account for further use. We can do this with one command:

					$ oc exec -it conjur-conjur-oss-6466669767-zbk6n -c conjur-oss -- conjurctl account create default
Save the admin API key locally. You need it later. You also need a Conjur service endpoint.
					$ oc get svc conjur-conjur-oss-ingress -ojsonpath='{.status.loadBalancer.ingress[0].ip}'

Note that we’ve used <EXTERNAL_IP> to show where to insert your IP. You can connect to the running Conjur server with a command-line tool called conjur-cli. Run the conjur-cli Docker version locally:
					$ docker run --rm -it cyberark/conjur-cli:5-6.2.4
# conjur init --url=https://<EXTERNAL_IP> --account=default
Trust this certificate (yes/no): yes
Wrote certificate to /root/conjur-default.pem
Wrote configuration to /root/.conjurrc
Note that the server certificate is in /root/conjur-default.pem, and the default domain,, is used as the common name. You should change this by either setting the ssl.hostname parameter during Conjur OSS Helm release deployment or changing the host file in the Docker container. Simply configure the Conjur server IP <EXTERNAL_IP> to correspond to the domain:
					# echo "<EXTERNAL_IP>" >> /etc/hosts
# conjur init --url= --account=default
Also, save the generated certificate (the file /root/conjur-default.pem) from the container on your local machine for later use. We refer to this file as <CERTFICATE_FILE>.
					# conjur authn login -u admin
<Enter the admin API key here>
Logged in

Managing Secrets with Conjur

We’re ready to create a secret that the application uses later. We first declare what application has access to this secret. We make this declaration in the policy file, which you should load onto the Conjur server. Policy files are just declarations of different resources, like users, groups of users, hosts (non-human Conjur clients), layers (groups of hosts), and so on. You can find a policy example on GitHub. The official Get Started guide is quite helpful.

Let’s try a sample policy. Recall that we run commands inside the Docker conjur-cli container. Here’s an example of a policy:

					- !policy
  id: BotApp
  - !user Dave
  - !host myDemoApp
  - !variable secretVar
  - !permit
    role: !user Dave
    privileges: [read, update, execute]
    resource: !variable secretVar
  - !permit
    role: !host myDemoApp
    privileges: [read, execute]
    resource: !variable secretVar


Load this policy onto the Conjur server:

					# conjur policy load root policy.yaml

Store the output somewhere. You need the value of api_key for the application. (For this example, we assume its host is BotApp/myDemoApp and refer to its key as <BotApp API key>.)

Next, check the loaded policy:

					# conjur list

Now we can create a secret called secretVar with the value qwerty12.
					# conjur variable values add BotApp/secretVar qwerty12

Next, let’s see how to retrieve this secret value from an application.

Running an Application Manually

We use Ubuntu as the application pod. Let’s define the Ubuntu pod on a local machine (not on the conjur-cli container) and deploy it onto OpenShift. Here’s the content of the ubuntu.yaml file to configure the pod:

					apiVersion: apps/v1
kind: Deployment
  name: ubuntu
  namespace: demo
  replicas: 1
      app: ubuntu
        app: ubuntu
      - name: ubuntu
        image: ubuntu:20.04
        command: ["/bin/bash", "-c", "tail -f /dev/null"]


Now we deploy the pod using this configuration:

					$ oc create namespace demo
$ oc adm policy add-scc-to-user anyuid -z default -n demo # Allow root in Ubuntu pod
$ oc apply -f ubuntu.yaml
$ oc -n demo get po
ubuntu-65d559b86-9lnf5 1/1   Running  0       5s
$ oc -n demo exec -it ubuntu-65d559b86-9lnf5 -- bash
# apt update
# apt install -y curl


Let’s retrieve the access token by calling the Conjur server endpoint with the <BotApp API key>:

					# curl -d "<BotApp API key>" -k https://conjur-conjur-oss.default.svc.cluster.local/authn/default/host%2FBotApp%2FmyDemoApp/authenticate > /tmp/conjur_token

We next put the access token in the file /tmp/conjur_token.

					# CONT_SESSION_TOKEN=$(cat /tmp/conjur_token| base64 | tr -d '\r\n')
# curl -s -k -H "Content-Type: application/json" -H "Authorization: Token token=\"$CONT_SESSION_TOKEN\"" https://conjur-conjur-oss.default.svc.cluster.local/secrets/default/variable/BotApp%2FsecretVar


That’s the manual process for an application to retrieve a secret.

Automated Token Retrieval with OpenShift

For applications deployed in OpenShift, you can automate the access token retrieval process.

The Kubernetes Authenticator Client is one of three methods to integrate an application and Conjur server on the OpenShift platform. See Kubernetes Authenticator Client and Kubernetes Authentication with Conjur for more information.

You deploy a particular authentication container in the same pod as your application. This container uses a certificate created for the default account (remember the Conjur init command and the certificate file?) and its OpenShift name (namespace, container name, or service account) for authentication by the Conjur server.

After successful authentication, the authentication container retrieves the access token and puts it into a directory shared with the application container. The application can simply use this token file in its API calls to the Conjur server.

Let’s do it. Conjur recommends storing the certificate as a ConfigMap.

					$ oc -n demo create configmap conjur-cert --from-file=ssl-certificate=
Continue by adding an ubuntu-auth container to an Ubuntu pod (taken as an example application) and running the application on behalf of the demo-app service account:
					$ oc adm policy add-scc-to-user anyuid -z demo-app -n demo

Here’s a sample of ubuntu.yaml file configuration:

apiVersion: v1
kind: ServiceAccount
  name: demo-app
  namespace: demo
apiVersion: apps/v1
kind: Deployment
  name: ubuntu
  namespace: demo
  replicas: 1
      app: ubuntu
        app: ubuntu
      - name: ubuntu
        image: ubuntu:1820.04
        command: ["/bin/bash", "-c", "tail -f /dev/null"]
        - name: CONJUR_APPLIANCE_URL
          value: "https://conjur-conjur-oss.default.svc.cluster.local/authn-k8s/demo"
        - name: CONJUR_ACCOUNT
          value: default
          value: /run/conjur/access-token
              name: conjur-cert
              key: ssl-certificate
        - mountPath: /run/conjur
          name: conjur-access-token
          readOnly: true
      - name: ubuntu-auth
        image: cyberark/conjur-authn-k8s-client
        - name: MY_POD_NAME
        - name: MY_POD_NAMESPACE
              fieldPath: metadata.namespace
        - name: MY_POD_IP
             fieldPath: status.podIP
        - name: CONJUR_AUTHN_URL
          value: "https://conjur-conjur-oss.default.svc.cluster.local/authn-k8s/demo"
        - name: CONJUR_ACCOUNT
          value: default
        - name: CONJUR_AUTHN_LOGIN
          value: "host/conjur/authn-k8s/demo/demo/service_account/demo-app"
              name: conjur-cert
              key: ssl-certificate
        - mountPath: /run/conjur
          name: conjur-access-token
      serviceAccountName: demo-app
      - name: conjur-access-token
          medium: Memory


Now we apply the configuration:

					$ oc apply -f ubuntu.yaml

To make this example work, we should also add a corresponding policy. Note that correctly writing policy requires some experience. It’s helpful to know how to enable and disable debugging on the Conjur server. In both cases, the pod restarts.


Here’s an example of enabling debugging:

					$ oc set env deployment/conjur-conjur-oss -c conjur-oss CONJUR_LOG_LEVEL=debug

And here’s an example of disabling debugging:

					$ oc set env deployment/conjur-conjur-oss -c conjur-oss CONJUR_LOG_LEVEL-

During the debugging session, you may find errors in Conjur server logs like this:

					Authentication Error: #<Errors::Authentication::Security::WebserviceNotFound: CONJ00005E Webservice 'demo' not found>
This error means that we must create a web service in a Conjur policy. Or, you might find an error like this:
					Host id default:host:conjur/authn-k8s/demo/demo/service_account/demo-app extracted from CSR common name
Authentication Error: #<NoMethodError: undefined method `RoleNotFound' for Errors::Authentication::Security:Module>

This means we lack a host declaration for our application.

					Authentication Error: #<Errors::Authentication::Security::RoleNotAuthorizedOnWebservice: CONJ00006E 'default:host:conjur/authn-k8s/demo/demo/service_account/demo-app' does not have 'authenticate' privilege on demo>
And this one says we don’t have authentication privileges. Below is the resulting policy configuration that the command should load:
					# conjur policy load root app.yaml
After applying this policy, we should run the Bash script provided on that page, replacing <AUTHENTICATOR_ID> with “demo” and <CONJUR_ACCOUNT> with “default.”
					# cat app.yaml 
- !policy
  id: conjur/authn-k8s/demo
  - !webservice
  - !layer
    id: demo-app
  - !host
    id: demo/service_account/demo-app
      authn-k8s/namespace: demo
      authn-k8s/authentication-container-name: ubuntu-auth
  - !grant
    role: !layer demo-app
    member: !host demo/service_account/demo-app
  - !permit
    resource: !webservice
    privilege: [ authenticate ]
    role: !layer demo-app  
# CA cert and key for creating client certificates
  - !policy
    id: ca
    - !variable
      id: cert
        description: CA cert for Kubernetes Pods.
    - !variable
      id: key
        description: CA key for Kubernetes Pods.    
  - !variable test
  - !permit
    role: !layer demo-app
    privileges: [ read, execute ]
    resource: !variable test


After loading the policy, the authenticator can successfully retrieve the access token from the Conjur server and put it into the /run/conjur/access-token file. Everything is ready to just use this token. You can create a variable to try it out:

					# conjur policy load root app.yaml
# # Run bash script from Enable Authenticators for Applications
# conjur variable values add conjur/authn-k8s/demo/test 1234567890


Finally, let’s put it to the test:

					$ oc -n demo exec -it ubuntu-64877b4d84-jw6r4 -c ubuntu -- bash
# apt update && apt install -y curl
# CONT_SESSION_TOKEN=$(cat /run/conjur/access-token| base64 | tr -d '\r\n')
# curl -s -k -H "Content-Type: application/json" -H "Authorization: Token token=\"$CONT_SESSION_TOKEN\"" https://conjur-conjur-oss-ingress.default.svc.cluster.local/secrets/default/variable/conjur%2Fauthn-k8s%2Fdemo%2Ftest

The Ubuntu application can now use this secret variable without any credentials. Conjur applications do all the hard work behind the scenes. We simply use the results.

Next Steps

In this article, we showed you how to set up CyberArk Conjur on the OpenShift platform. The resulting OpenShift with Conjur solution helps secure your applications by ensuring secrets come from the secure vault and are not floating around in your application configuration.

Try it yourself! Download Conjur to add an extra layer of protection to your OpenShift environment by managing secrets effectively. If you have any questions, get in touch with support or request a custom demo.

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